Advanced Academics » Advanced Academics

Advanced Academics

Advanced Placement (AP) Courses 

Zapata High School offers advanced placement courses in a wide variety of subjects. Students enrolled in these college-level courses may take an examination in the spring, the results of which are used by many colleges and universities to award college credit.

Students who complete AP courses are:

  • better prepared academically
  • more likely to specialize in stringent majors
  • more likely to complete more college work in four (4) years
  • found to perform slightly better than peers who did not take AP courses
  • more likely to exercise leadership
  • twice as likely to go into advanced study (Ph.D., medicine, law)

The cost of an AP exam is small compared to the average cost per course in public or private universities. We encourage you to consider enrolling in one or more of the many ZHS AP courses which give you an opportunity to pursue college-level studies while still in high school..

Advanced Placement courses offered include: 

  • Language Arts
    English Literature and Composition
  • English Language and Composition
  • Foreign Language
    Spanish Language and Culture
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Studies
    United States History
    United States Government
Office of Advanced Academics
1302 Glenn St.
Zapata, Texas  78076
Questions about Zapata CISD AP Program may be directed to Mrs. Janie Rodriguez, Career and College Readiness Director
[email protected]