Career Technical Education » Welding Program

Welding Program

Manufacturing involves creating a finished product from raw materials using efficient and effective processes to meet

a specified quality standard such as cars, computer chips, cell phones, and more. If you like building things,

can follow detailed instructions, or are good at organizing people and processes, then this might be the cluster for you.

Students learn the importance of being able to problem-solve and visualize an end-product and develop the smaller steps necessary

to achieve the creation of that product.

This cluster provides opportunities to learn a skill or trade in a classroom/laboratory equipped to emulate industry.



  • Welder
  • Commercial and Industrial Design Specialist
  • Medical Equipment Repairer
  • Electrical Engineer
  • Maintenance and Repair Worker
  • Quality Control Manager


One of the best ways to acquire experience in your chosen career is by joining a Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO).


Endorsement: Business & Industry