Attendance Letters/Cartas de Asistencia
The purpose of our Attendance Preventions is to create a culture of good attendance to ensure our district is in compliance with the state of Texas mandates governing student non-attendance.
Determination of Credit
Our Attendance Preventions will assist students in passing their classes and gaining credit (high school) or a grade. The Attendance Review Committee will review all documents for approval. Students will need 90% attendance rate, make-up work, and a passing grade of 70% or above in each class.
Warning letter#1 - When the student reaches 3 days of (U) Unexcused absences within a 4 week period, letter 1 notification will be sent to the parent or guardian automatically thru an online system.
Warning letter#2- When the student reaches 6 days of (U) Unexcused absences within a School Year or Semester for the High School, letter 2 notification will be sent to the parent or guardian together with an Attendance Contract.
Warning letter#3 - When the student reaches 10 days (Elem./Middle) & 8 days (High School), of the days any class is offered, letter 3 together with another Attendance Contract for the parents and notification of a face to face Conference will be sent to the parent or guardian. The child may lose credit for the semester course due to attendance. However, the student may be eligible to participate in the principal's plan.
Excessive Excused Absence Notice - Awareness notice that will alert parents that the student has too many excused absences and has lost instructional time beyond 7 days. While there are times a student must miss school (illness, i.e.), excessive excused absences also affect student's progress in school. Please call the school and speak to a counselor or administrator for additional information.
Principal's Plan
A student who is in attendance for at least 75% but less than 90% of the days a class is offered may be given credit or a final grade if the student completes a plan approved by the school's principal that provides for the student to meet the instructional requirements of the class.
- A written plan that is course specific.
- Academic time.
Absences Defined
Absences that count towards the “90 Percent Rule”:
A – Excused Absence (Doctor excuse turned in within 3 days (7 or more goes to the attendance committee for review), plus the others defined in the SAAH. Pg.55 sec. 3.5 Compulory Attendance
M-- Medial Excuse (Medical-based excused absence within same day with valid documentation-student left from school to see the doctor, but attended part of school (am or pm)).
U – Unexcused Absence
Truancy, non-school activities
(Las cartas se generan a través de un sistema y se enviarán por correo electrónico y/o se entregarán a los padres)
- Un plan escrito que sea específico del curso.
- Horario académico.
- No participar en el plan del director es la negación de calificaciones para las escuelas primarias/intermedias y la negación de créditos para las escuelas secundarias.