UIL Athletics
ZCISD Athletic Schedules:
ZHS Athletics:
ZMS Athletics:
ZCISD Athletic Guidelines
Rules | Guidelines | Expectations
ZCISD Cheerleaders and Dance Teams Guidelines
The purpose of these Guidelines is to ensure these organizations promote and maintain school spirit and sportsmanship; provide entertainment whenever necessary in cooperation with the school and civic activities; and develop character, leadership, and individual responsibility while maintaining high moral standards.
Additional Forms
Rank One Forms
Please complete the form below to apply for the Zapata County ISD Gold Card. The Gold Card is free to Zapata County ISD residents who are 65 years of age or older and Veterans. Veterans must show their Veteran ID Card when picking up Gold Card. Membership benefits include free admission to regular season Zapata County ISD Athletic events held in Zapata County ISD. Members must show Gold Card at event entrances. Gold Card serves as a general admission pass. Please allow 3-5 business days for your card to be processed. You may pick up Gold Card at the ZCISD Athletic Office at 1302 Glenn St, Zapata, TX. If you have any questions please contact Ms. Naomi Benavides at 956-765-6546 ext. 2600.