Meet our Executive Director of Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment & Accountability
This office:
- oversees the state assessment program.
- supports campus administration in policies and procedures.
- performs mandatory trainings to the district testing coordinators and district personnel on TAKS, STAAR, STAAR EOC, STAAR ALT, STAAR L, STAAR Spanish and TELPAS.
- monitors all testing observed in the district.
- orders and distributes testing materials to the campuses.
- acts as a liaison between campuses and TEA.
- provides technical assistance in regards to assessments and data.
- is in charge of coordinating to the state assessment calendar days and working with the assessment windows.
- establishes protocols for benchmarking materials and specific dates of testing.
- answers questions before, during and after testing anyone may have.
- ensures all practices and adjustments are geared towards state testing.
- manages all instructional materials including textbooks.
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