FFA Plant Identification and Homesite Competitions
Zapata FFA teams competed at the Wintergarden competition in Jourdanton, Texas on September 25, 2019
Plant Identification Team
This event helps students develop an interest in a wide variety of plants that are important habitat components for wildlife and domestic livestock. This program is taught in the agriculture curriculum to help enhance the higher thinking skills of its participants. The Plant Identification CDE and its supporting instruction helps students recognize a significant number of specific plants and their fundamental growth characteristics as well as understand the importance of plants as a component of the environment in which animals exist. This event provides opportunity for mastery of the foundational knowledge and understanding contributing to future learning and success in college level coursework related to plant identification, understanding of growth parameters, and economic importance of plant.
Jesus Rivera, Emily Martinez, Oziel Gonzalez, Joel Cavazos, Natshaly Segura, Elaine Lopez,Rogelio Garza, Jon-Carlo Vera, and Fernando Valadez.
Chapter Farmer- 1st place District
Top Team Scorer -Elaine Lopez
GreenHand - 1st place District
Top Team Scorer - Rogelio Garza
Coach Fernando Rodriguez
Homesite Team
It has long been said that soil is our most basic natural resource. Not only agriculture, but also life on earth is dependent upon the wise use of soil. The Home Site Evaluation Career Development Event introduces students to nonagronomic use of land including, but not limited to, the suitability of various types of land for building sites, home sanitation systems, impoundment structures, lawns and other construction considerations. (https://www.texasffa.org/docs/HOMESITE%20EVALUATION_73395.pdf )
Dalia Gutierrez, Julie Pena, Klaryssa Flores, Brianna Garcia, Alynna Villarreal, Giselle Gonzalez , Lily Castillo, Natalie Sanchez, Krisytn Ramirez, Rita Diaz, Itzel Mrtinez, Kayla Pina, Daniela Gamez, Erik Velazquez, JJ Garcia.
Chapter Farmer- 2nd place District - Itzel Martinez Top Team Scorer
Greenhand- 1st place District- Top Team Scorer- Klaryssa Flores
Klaryssa Flores Top Overall Individual
Coach: Joevanna Sanchez.