Student Competitions
The Zapata FFA Greenhand Plant ID Team won first place in Area Competition. The team includes from L-R: Joey Gutierrez, Ralphie Garcia (second high individual), Sara Elizondo, Rogie Gonzalez, and Rigo Cantu (High Point Individual). Congratulations!

The Zapata FFA Chapter Farmer Team placed 7th in Area. The team included Osiel Gonzalez, Ferny Valadez, and Ashley Dominguez.

The Zapata FF
FFA Homesite Team competed at Wintergarden District Competition-September 25, 2019
L-R Dalia Gutierrez, Julie Pena, Klaryssa Flores, Brianna Garcia, Alynna Villarreal, Giselle Gonzalez , Lily Castillo, Natalie Sanchez, Krisytn Ramirez, Rita Diaz, Itzel Mrtinez, Kayla Pina, Daniela Gamez, Erik Velazquez, JJ Garcia. Results: Chapter Farmer- 2nd place District - Itzel Martinez Top Team Scorer Greenhand- 1st place District- Top Team Scorer- Klaryssa Flores, Klaryssa Flores Top Overall Individual -Coach -Joevanna Sanchez.

Zapata FFA Plant ID Team competed at the Wintergarden competition in Jourdanton, Texas on September 25, 2019. Jesus Rivera, Emily Martinez, Oziel Gonzalez, Joel Cavazos, Natshaly Segura, Elaine Lopez,Rogelio Garza, Jon-Carlo Vera, and Fernando Valadez.
Results: Chapter Farmer- 1st place District Top Team Scorer -Elaine Lopez GreenHand - 1st place District Top Team Scorer - Rogelio Garza , Coach Fernando Rodriguez

Zapata FFA Entomology team competed at state level in Lubbock. Events took place at Texas Tech University. Saturday April 27, 2019. Jesus Rivera. Selene Garza. Kristyn Ramirez. Xavi Rodriguez.

ZHS Criminal Justice students who are thinking of pursuing a career in criminal justice got a little hands-on experience.Several students were chosen by their teachers to visit the 341st District Court.It’s all part of a program called “Color of Justice” which was organized by Judge Becky Palomo. The program focuses on career preparation, academic requirements, and skills needed in order to succeed in a career in law.Students say it’s an experience they will never forget.The students got a chance to visit the District Attorney’s Office and even sit in a courtroom to listen to a case.Students also had the opportunity to shadow judges and attorneys.

Janie Rodriguez
1302 Glenn St.
Zapata, Texas
Office: 956-750-3730
Fax: 956-765-3775
Zapata, Texas
Office: 956-750-3730
Fax: 956-765-3775